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- For me Rice & side dish cooker
- Sisopla Food tray
- LUSOL Infant food tray set
- Cerami Rice & side dish cooker
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- Brain Wearable Device
- WEBSTECH Motion Sensor
- Hipot Aquplant
- The Origin
- Macaron
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- Little Bear Healthpot
- Little Bear Healthpot2
- Little Bear Coffee Electricpot
- Gamsung Air Purifier
- Little Bear Humidifier
- Ozone sterilizer for air
- Little Bear Electric hotpot
- Net Clock
- Brain Wearable Device2
- Bo&Bong Jewelry design
- Little Bear Flowerpot Humidifier
- Teething tots
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- 21c Medical Catalogue
- Gamsung Leaflet
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- Danamedical Brochure
- Cerasilver Brochure
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- Matfia Gim Package Design
- Tamraneun Tot Package Design
- Sikchobogam Package Design
- YOGODAY Package Design
- Balance's cosmetic Package Design
- Tam's Food Package Design
- Oneulgach Package Design
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Industrial Design
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My body smiles
식초보감_내 몸이 웃는다
내 몸을 웃게 할 최상의 선물_정인숙 식초보감
매일 한 잔의 천연 발효식초로 건강한 모습을 오래 간직하고, 몸 속이 아름다운 나를 위해 꼭 필요한 ‘정인숙 식초보감’은 “내 몸을 웃게 할 최상의 선물”입니다.
The best gift to make my body smile_Jung In-suk Vinegar Bogam(Sikchobogam)
‘Jung In-suk Vinegar Bogam(Sikchobogam)’, which is essential for me to keep my healthy appearance for a long time with a cup of natural fermented vinegar every day and to have a beautiful body, is “the best gift to make my body smile.”

카테고리 브랜드 (식품)
클라이언트 농업회사법인(주)초정
Category Brand Design (Food)
Client Chojung Agricultural Corporation

정인숙 식초보감
"무첨가 원액 100% 천연발효식초"
Jung In-suk Sikchobogam
"100% Natural Fermented Vinegar With No Additives"